Modern fantasy has “story elements that violate the natural, physical laws of our known world—events akin to magic. Modern fantasy has known authors. Some miraculous elements found in modern fantasy are talking animals, imaginary worlds, fanciful characters, magical beings, and so on. Some types of modern fantasy include the following: toys and objects imbued with life, tiny humans, peculiar characters and situations, imaginary worlds, magical powers, supernatural tales, time-warp fantasy, and high fantasy.”
Definition is taken from the following source:
Tunnell, M. O. & Jacobs, J. S. (2008). Children’s literature, briefly. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey:
Pearson Education.
To locate children's books in the King Curriculum Lab, use the following guide for call numbers:
When searching for children's books in the library's online catalog, do an Advanced Search. Select "Audience" and "Juvenile." Type your term in the search box.