Dr. Dennis Kinlaw was a voracious letter writer. He enjoyed connecting with others and discussed many matters, both personal and professional, via written correspondence. His letters (both those he received and those he wrote) cover a variety of topics from the mundane to the deeply intellectual. Topics covered within the correspondence include, but are not limited to: excellence, thinking clearly, ministry, surrender, and encouragement. Dennis Kinlaw's correspondence is located in Asbury University's archives collection. A few excerpts from Dennis Kinlaw's correspondence are below. To view more correspondence, please make an appointment with Asbury University's Archvies & Special Collections, by emailing library@asbury.edu.
This letter demonstrates the time and effort Dr. Kinlaw put into corresponding with friends, colleagues, and former students. His love for the study of scripture flowed out into his correspondence as he eagerly responded to a question about the meaning of 1 Corinthians 15:25.
Dr. Dennis Kinlaw continually had a pulse on what was happening in his areas of expertise. This letter to a friend at Christianity Today, shows him inquiring about and pointing out the potential of a young N. T. Wright.
Dr. Dennis Kinlaw often received requests to speak. Sometimes these requests were local while others took him to other states and countries. The first letter (shown below - on the left) with a speaking request from Asbury Theological Seminary provides a glimpse into the demand for Dr. Kinlaw's time. Additionally, he was an excellent host, sending letters of gratitude to those whom were invited to speak at Asbury University.