The Circulation Desk at Kinlaw Library is the place where all items are checked out and checked in. Present your campus picture ID at the Circulation Desk, along with the materials you wish to check out. The due date will be stamped on each item. All materialschecked out must be returned to the Circulation Desk on or before their due date. Fines are paid here and items can be renewed at the Circulation Desk. Periodicals, indexes, and reference books do not circulate. We love helping people and will answer your questions about our services.
All current Asbury University students, faculty, and staff are allowed to borrow materials. Initial check-out period is for three weeks. For details and information for our policies concerning community borrowers and FoKAL borrowers, please visit our Policies page.
Checked out items can be renewed in person at the Circulation Desk, over the phone at 859-858-3511, x2265, or online by following the instructions here.
Current students, faculty, and staff of Asbury University can go to the B.L. Fisher Library at Asbury Seminary to borrow materials, but need to first have a registered account at the Kinlaw Library. Take your Student ID with you to the ATS Library. Check the Seminary online catalog before you go.
Students, faculty, and staff may use their Asbury University ID card to directly borrow materials from the libraries of other Kentucky academic institutions, including the University of Kentucky, Transylvania University, Centre College, and other schools across the state. This is available through an agreement called FoKAL. Additionally, materials can be requested to be mailed from other libraries to Asbury through the InterLibrary Loan service.
The Kinlaw Library provides two photocopiers - one of them color. We charge $0.05/page for black and white copies and $0.20/page for color copies. A variety of colors are available in regular paper and cardstock. 11 x 17 paper and transparencies are also available. Payment can be made with cash, charge, or EagleBucks.
The Kinlaw Library sells coffee, tea, and snacks at the Hiccup Too! coffee cart. Payment may be made at the Circulation Desk, which accepts cash, checks, and credit/debit cards, and also Eagle Bucks.
There are sixteen study rooms located in the library: six large rooms for 8+ people, four medium rooms for 4+ people, and six small rooms for 1-2 people. The large and medium rooms are locked, with keys available upon request at the Circulation Desk. The large and medium rooms may be reserved by calling 859-858-3511, x2265, or by using our Room Booking form online. The small, individual rooms are first come, first served. Please see the Policies page for more information.
Certain materials have been placed in restricted circulation because of unusual demand due to classroom requirements. These materials have limited circulation so that they will be available to whole classes within a limited amount of time. Faculty that require their students to read or to listen to a particular item may have that item placed on Reserve at the Circulation Desk. A list of items on reserve can be found at the Circulation Desk. Someone at the desk will retrieve the item from the shelf behind the Circulation Desk for you. Faculty needing to place materials on reserve may fill out the form listed. The information will go to the Circulation Supervisor.
Ask about lost and found items at the Circulation Desk on the Main Floor. Campus ID cards are kept for 1 week and then returned to the owner via campus mail. Other items, such as coats, text books and umbrellas, are retained in the library for 1 week and then taken to the campus Lost and Found at the Fletcher Early front desk.