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Liberal Arts Seminar: Loving Samuel (Fall 2017)

Faculty resources for the liberal arts seminar

Loving Samuel: E-Book

In the Author's Own Words

Aaron D. Cobb

Trisomy 18

Other useful resources

Disability and the Theodicy of Defeat

While this article may be a little difficult for students to read without guidance, it provides interesting insight into Cobb's current research and may be helpful to you whether or not you choose to have your students read it.

Article: Disability and the Theodicy of Defeat

Faith & Suffering

There are many more ebooks on "faith and suffering" in our collection.  You may want to explore these further.

Grief & Hope

Teaching & Support


Do you have electronic resources you would like to share with everyone? Please send them to Jennifer Walz and she will get them added to the page!

Email Jennifer

Counseling Center

Here is a link to the Asbury University Counseling Center.

The Center for Counseling offers a wide range of services to currently enrolled undergraduate students.  Integrating counseling practice with Christ-centered principles, our staff of licensed counselors, graduate school interns and practicum counselors seek to prepare students for a lifetime of learning, leadership, and service.  Most services are free, and all services are confidential.

Writing Center

Here is a link to the Asbury Writing Center - make an appointment:

The Writing Center offers students writing assistance.  Whether you are trying to brainstorm an idea for a paper, want feedback on ideas you have written, need clarification on documentation styles, or need help with grammar and punctuation, we are available to meet with you! We provide one-on-one writing assistance at any stage of the writing process and for any subject.