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CSE & Paraphrasing

Original Ideas vs. Expert Research

What is the value of each of these? 

Writing at a high academic level means finding a balance between adding your own voice to a scholarly conversation and leaning on the voices of experts currently in that field. You will learn as a research that you need both of these elements to crate a successful research article or presentation. Some of the reasons each piece is valued are outlined below, but remember that you need both of these as a successful researcher. Use the research articles you are reading for class as templates of what your future writings/presentations might looks like. You will notice that each shares an original idea or project (the reason for writing the article), but will rely heavily on the research and ideas of others to create the foundation for the project.

Original Ideas (or Personal Research)

  • The Why The reason for writing/presenting! If you didn't have anything new to share there wouldn't be any point.
  • Exploration Your own ideas/research highlight the new path you want this field to take. Publicly stating this allows others in the field to comment (often formally with other articles and presentations) and shape this new direction.

Expert Research (or Expert Opinions)

  • Foundation Your research or ideas are part of a larger "conversation" on the topic. Stating other expert opinions and research shows where your ideas fit in the big picture
  • Credibility Citing the research and ideas of others that are respected in the field give your own ideas more credibility.It's showing that you have done your research (in more ways than one)!


Watch the short video on paraphrasing below. Here are some good steps to follow when you want to paraphrase a passage:

  1. Re-read the original passage
  2. Write the paraphrase (try not to look at the original)
  3. Make notes about the context (how do you intend to use the paraphrase section?)
  4. Re-check the original (did you accurately express the writer's views? did you put it in your own words?)
  5. Use quotes to distinguish any unique terms/phrases borrowed directly from the author
  6. Record the source for in-text citations and reference page





Below  is a short video on using the CSE style for citations. The examples in the video come from the Penn State Guide linked below which is an excellent resource. The other resource linked below is our Science & Health Guide. While this has some CSE information, it is particularly useful for navigating the Kinlaw Library online resources.


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Beth Groves
Kinlaw Library, Office 225
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Wilmore, KY 40390
859-858-3511; ext. 2269